Open Hands – 10am on Wednesdays
Prayer – Wednesdays @ 7:30pm
Bible Study – Thursdays @ 7:30pm (link below)


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Lucy Gist Testimony

Free from Demons and Full of Joy

Listen to Lucy’s incredible testimony captured in this Zoom conversation between Lucy, her Grandmother Margaret Badge, pastor Stuart Jamieson from The Wave church in Ocean Grove and pastor Peter from Carnegie. Lucy explains how she got involved in the New Age, Yoga, Reiki healing and started developing psychic abilities. What she didn’t know was that she had opened her life to demonic spirits. Her dramatic deliverance, caught on video came when she placed her faith if Jesus and was baptised. An honest, moving and powerful story. 

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, that brings salvation to everyone who believes.”

The Apostle Paul, 1st Century Disciple of Jesus – Romans 1:16


Life can be troubling. Life can be confusing. Life can be really hard. If you’ve wondered, ‘could there be more?’ – then you’re on the beginning of a wonderful journey. Discovering Jesus and understanding how you fit into His heart, will change your life. 
God has been waiting to meet you all your life…

Carnegie Church

4 minutes from Carnegie train station

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